About Us
Bhagwan Mahavir College of Education, Vesu (Surat) managed by Bhagwan Mahavir Education Foundation established in Sep.2004, with the affiliation with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat and recognized by NCTE, Bhopal. It is running B.Ed. (Regular) course with two division of total 200 intake capacity The college is established in Sept. 2004 and also running M.Ed. (Regular) Course from 2007 affiliated to VNSGU Surat and recognized by NCTE, Bhopal with intake capacity of 50 students.
To be an institution of excellence in Teacher Education.

1.To prepare highly skilled teachers with moral values and social responsibility.
2.To grow as an Educational Institution committed to provide the best educational environment and excellent infrastructure in the field of education.
3.To encourage leadership and service orientation.
4.To make the trainees aware of their potentialities and disseminate knowledge through continuous comprehensive training and relevant educational program.
5.Inculcate love and commitment in future teachers
Quality Objectives
1.To prepare in an individual to meet the challenges of the life.
2.To develop an understanding at the principles at pedagogy and its application to curriculum transaction and evaluation.
3.To bring professionalism in teacher education by improving upon teaching practices in the surrounding area.
4.To inspire for life-long learning and for reaching the unreached.
5.To provide for leadership skills among the nation builders of tomorrow.
6.To provide an environment to train teachers who are qualitatively superior and morally upright.
7.To develop skills among the trainees in order to integrate with existing education system with case.
8.To develop reflective practitioners at teaching learning process.
9.Acquiring the philosophy at developing human resources with an ethical and value based mind set at sustainable development.
10.Achieving a modernized and dynamic outlook along with the golden tradition and cultural heritage at our country.